Precious Metals Allocation Lookup
Every token is backed by allocated physical precious metal. Use this tool to lookup the serial number and information about your precious metal.
What’s new

What is CeDeFi, and why it is the future of finance
CeDeFi offers the benefits of CeFi and DeFi without their shortcomings, writes Alexander Tkachenko of VNX. Here’s how it works.

A Brief Look at Why Tokenization is Important in the Blockchain Space
Tokenization is one of the many sectors that blockchain technology has already transformed, and it has also changed our understanding of and approach to utilizing tokens. It has emerged as one of the most promising mediums for exchange online, owing to its ability to represent actual assets in the form of virtual assets.

VNX integrates Mastercard, Visa to its tokenized precious metals investment platform
"Onboarding the two largest fiat credit cards to our platform helps foster greater accessibility and convenience for both experienced and novice investors,” states VNX CEO and Co-Founder, Alexander Tkachenko.

DeFi can breathe new life into traditional assets
The real changes in the financial world are starting with combining DeFi and CeFi, which is paving the way to mainstream crypto adoption.

Interesting Ways Tokenized Assets & NFTs Are Being Used in 2022
Tokenization provides a gateway for users to own digitized versions of real world assets usually with a lower barrier to entry, and we are seeing increased applications for this technology over the past few years.
Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs are mainly known for their uses in NFT art collections and Play-to-Earn (P2E) gaming. However, there are other interesting use cases outside of these two industries. Let's have a look at some interesting use cases for tokenized assets and NFTs in 2022.

Regulated in Liechtenstein, VNX Announces Tokenization Platform for Precious Metals with First Product Backed by Physical Gold
VNX, launched in Liechtenstein in 2022 and registered with the Financial Market Authority (FMA) platform for investment in tokenized precious metals, claims title as Europe’s first regulated platform for assets like gold.

VNX Launches Tokenised Gold Platform
Investing in gold is about to get easier and more efficient after digital asset investment services firm VNX launched a platform for tokenised precious metals.

유럽 최초 제도권 스테이블 코인 나왔다…VNX골드, 리히텐슈타인서 출시
룩셈부르크 금융 스타트업 'VNX Exchange(이하 VNX)'가 유럽 최초 법률 규정을 준수한 룩셈부르크 금융 스타트업 'VNX Exchange(이하 VNX)'가 유럽 최초 법률 규정을 준수한 스테이블 코인 'VNX골드'를 출시했다. VNX는 리히텐슈타인 FMA(금융위원회)에 귀금속의 구매, 판매, 보관을 용이하게 하고 이를 암호화폐로 거래할 수 있는 플랫폼을 등록했다. VNX골드가 유럽 최초 제도권 코인이라고 할 수 있는 이유도 여기에 있다.

VNX lance la tokénisation de l’or
La fintech luxembourgeoise VNX annonce lancer une solution de tokénisation de l’or – et d’autres «commodities» dans un second temps – à partir du Liechtenstein. Ou comment la blockchain peut résoudre bien des problèmes du marché de l’or.