Precious Metals Allocation Lookup
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Digital Token Referencing Swiss Franc
VNX Swiss Franc (VCHF) is a multichain token referencing Swiss Franc from a token generator licensed under the Blockchain act in Liechtenstein. We created a stable and reliable asset for the new digital asset infrastructure. You can easily exchange VCHF with Swiss Franc.
VCHF Advantages
Being referenced to traditional currency, VNX Swiss Franc offers a traditional asset in the digital form. This is a more stable and reliable instrument for the operations in the crypto market.
Stable value
VNX Swiss Franc (VCHF) is Europe’s first token referencing Swiss Franc
VNX Commodities is licensed under the Blockchain Act by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA)
VCHF supports over 10 top blockchains offering seamless compatibility across networks with a chain bridge available on the VNX platform
What can you do with VCHF?
Hold VCHF to hedge against crypto volatility and avoid losses during a market decline
Buy and sell digital assets in a matter of minutes on CEXs and DEXs
Lend, provide liquidity, stake and use other investment opportunities in CeFi/DeFi
Send and receive instantly to the wallets compatible with supported blockchains or transfer seamlessly between different blockchain protocols